4:53 PM

A quote I just came across that goes well with my last post.....

"Children are our legacy. They save us from our selfishness, from our materialism. Children are the spiritual messengers that we send to future generations with the Gospel. Children should be viewed from God's perspective not from the world's perspective. The world views them as a burden. The Scripture speaks of them as being a blessing."
Dennis Rainey

another quote I love and use often........

"The Bible calls debt a curse and children a blessing; but in our culture, we apply for a curse and reject blessings. Something is wrong with this picture."

---Doug Phillips

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  1. Wow, love that quote by Dave Ramsey (did I get the name right?). :) Anyway, thanks for sharing. Also, you asked about my photo service. I use a local service at my grocery store (HEB). They are amazing. The other service I love is adormapix.com. They are just as wonderful but not as cheap or convenient. I usually print in 4x6 or 3.5x5 since I scrap 9x9 pages. If I want a 5x7 pic, I just have one printed special. Other than that, I usually print smaller sizes on matte paper only. Hope that helps. :) Have a joyous day!


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