Casting on.....

7:16 AM

Knitting is such therapy. Casting on and starting new projects is so exciting and it must be just the adventure of it all that calms the mind and settles the thoughts. I"m finding spinning to do the same thing. Getting started on a new braid and watching it become yarn can be so soothing. I am finding I am not a technical spinner at all. I like to just dive in and let the fiber do it's thing. I do tend to spin on the thinner side and I like the challenge of keeping it balanced but I don't make samples and I don't really think much about what it will become. Maybe as I spin more I will get there....but I really just enjoy the process as it goes.
I jumped into a SAL on a group on Ravelry and it is so fun! I am learning a lot as other people prep and spin their braids. It's fun seeing how the same braids could look so different!
I started this braid from Three Waters Farm in a merino silk blend called Dark Sweet Cherries. It's coming along beautifully......almost half done now. The other braid is Scottish Landscape on the same blend. I think I am going to spin each braid in to a 2 ply and then find a 2 color shawl where I can use both colorways together. The colors are amazing!

I was also able to cast on 2 new projects over the weekend. The Penny Infinity Scarf  and also Smokestack socks. I did not make much progress yet but plan on getting some time today to get things moving!

I had a nice surprise the end of last week when a friend in one of my Ravelry groups congratulated me on having my gradient handspun yarn featured on the front page of Ravelry. I was so surprised! And excited! So many sweet people left comments on my project page and it was really neat to know others thought my yarn was special too!

My days have been full with Emily back home for the past month....we have enjoyed knitting and spinning side by side again. In one week she will be back in Canada and we will be talking knitting and horses and life long distance again. I know she is happy there and doing what she loves so I guess I will smile and be happy for her! School studies are winding down and the kids are spending more and more time outside again and this momma is taking a deep breath and looking around at the mess that winter has made inside the house. I know I need to dig in and do a deep spring cleaning around here but I have no motivation for it at the moment. The sun is shining today after days of rain and I'd rather follow the kids outside to play or at least sit and knit and watch them!

I'm hoping to find more time to write here now that the kids learning activities are winding down....I've said that before so don't hold me too it!

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  1. Isn't it fun when they are home? I do love having face to face conversations. I casted on something new over the weekend as well. I was in my happy :)


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