Refreshed, Renewed, Ready!!
8:04 PMAs I reflect on this past weekend and my adventure of attending my first Mom Heart Conference I am overwhelmed by Gods blessing and care of me! I have so much to much I want to capture here so that I can come back again and again when I get to that dry place......I can be reminded and filled up again!
Right now I am overflowing with a feeling of peace and rest and the knowing that I as a Mother am living in Gods perfect will for my life....I have joy I have not felt in a while.....a joy that God says I should always have!! Yes, always!!!
Sally Clarkson is an amazing speaker.....funny, warm, full of wisdom straight from God and what she has to say can be very convicting!!
Over the next few blog posts I will share some of the wisdom she imparted to us Moms. I pray it will bless you as it did me!!
One way that our family has done this is to fast from all screens on Computer.....nada!! We head to church for service in the morning and then it's home to rest or play together the rest of the day!! We try not to schedule anything on works for us!! Sometimes Brian and I will slip out on Sunday afternoon and grab a bite to eat and catch up with each's just a time to rest for the entire family!!